Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Jika anda berhadapan dengan hecker,cobalah beberapa SOFTWARE berikut ini:

Os:windows all


CW Sheredder 2.15

Ketika kita membuka tool ini hanya terdapat empat pilihan pada windows-nya.pilihannya adalah scan only,check for updates,create report, dan fix.Tapi jangan salah sangka ,Meskipun sederhana tool ini mampu membasmi COOLWEBSEARCH yang menjangkiti PC anda sampai keakar-akarnya.

Os:windows all


Elite Toolbar Remover 2.0.1

Tool ini khusus dirancang untuk menghilangkan elite toolbar dan variannya,yang sangat susah dihilangkan, banyak tool serupa yang melakukan pembersihan tapi hasilnya tidak memuaskan.bisa dikatakan tool ini yang mampu membersihkan browser HIJACKING tersebut.sebelum memakai tool ini,anda diharuskan masuk kedalam safe mode terlebih dahulu,sehingga tool ini dapat bekerja secara maksimal.

Os:windows all


Browser Hijack Retailor

Fungsi utama tool ini adalah membantu anda mengamankan browser dari serangan HIJACKING. Tool ini didesain untuk melindungi Internet Explorer dari serangan hijacking.ketika web hijacking ingin masuk ia akan langsung di blok oleh tool ini.

Situs :
OS : Windows All
Ukuran : 4.5 MB

Freware ini adalah satu-satunya antivirus gratis yang kemampuannya bisa disejajarkan dengan AVG 7.0. Antivirus yang satu ini dapat melindungi PC Anda dari serangan virus hingga mencapai 80.000 jenis varian virus termasuk virus macro dan trojan beserta variannya. Kekurangan adalah tidak tersedianya update secara otomatis, sehingga Anda harus melakukan update secara manual. Dengan begitu resource pada PC Anda tidak habis terpakai oleh aplikasi ini.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Download the Android SDK

Today we all got a new great freeware application for our S60 devices. This is a freeware YouTube player which is most wanted app of this year. Its name is emTube. This is standalone S60 application allows you to Search, List and Watch YouTube video clips directly on your mobile. It can play videos while they downloading to your device. Also you can store downloaded videos to device's memory. I'm not sure if it supports YouTube authentication to access to restricted content, but anyway functionality of this app is just awesome. Here more screenshots of this app:

Free themes and games for Symbian S60 - 5 ways to download

Everybody wants to get some free stuff for mobile phone. The most popular content for mobile phones are ringtones. But there are other high demanded content for mobiles including Nokia Symbian S60 devices. This is themes and games. Platform Nokia Symbian S60 allows to developers to make very rich and high-quality themes for S60 devices. Many of PC and game console games can be ported to Nokia Symbian S60 mobile phones. This gives us thousands of themes and hundreds of game titles for S60 devices. How we can download all of them freely?

The first way is to check dedicated forums and look what they can give to us. The most well-known forums dedicated to Nokia S60 software and freeware are,,,, etc.

The second way is to check mobile portals like Imserba, This portals has huge collections of free themes and games for a lot of mobile phone models including Nokia S60 devices. Go there and start downloading.

The third way is to check some blogs which collects freeware and downloaded content for mobile phones. Most of them hosted on blogspot servers. The examples of such blogs are Symbian-Freeware and my blog.

The fourth way is to subscribe on one of Yahoo! Groups dedicated to Symbian software. Examples of such groups are SymbianSeries60 and MOBILEMEDIA_SIS.

And the fifth way is just google for these content and you can find all other sites not mentioned in this post! For example there is a lot of free applications, games and themes on content store sites like Handango.

A few days ago there was presented a great freeware Symbian S60 YouTube video player EmTube. Today we got an official YouTube J2ME mobile video player. This player can be started on wide variety of mobile phones and smartphones supporting mobile Java. This list contains Nokia Symbian S60 devices like 6120, N82, N95, N73, E65, E51, 5500, SonyEricsson UIQ smartphones like P1 and mobile phones like W880 and K800 and many others. Here the home page of Java Mobile YouTube player. This jar applet allows you to access the YouTube library, watch videos and even upload your video to YouTube service! Download of this application from home page can be executed with Nokia N95 device, but using this direct link you can download and try this J2ME applet on your mobile phone no matter if it made by Samsung, HTC or Motorola.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

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