Saturday, May 29, 2010

portable apple safari 4.0.5 final

Experience the web, Apple Style, with Safari – the fastest, easiest to use web browser in the world. With its simple, elegant interface, Safari gets out of your way and lets you enjoy the web – up to 2 times faster than Internet Explorer. Safari is a web browser developed by Apple Inc. and included in Mac OS X. It was first released as a public beta on January 7, 2003, and a final version was included as the default browser in Mac OS X v10.3. A beta version for Windows was released for the first time on June 11, 2007. Safari also runs on Wine, although the graphics do not display properly.

portable cyberlink powerdvd ultra v10.0 build 1516.51

PowerDVD is the consumer’s favorite Blu-ray / DVD playback software, complemented by high- definition Dolby and DTS audio technologies. PowerDVD now converts 2D movies into 3D, plays an extensive range of video formats including MKV, FLV, 3GP, and makes movies social by sharing bookmark reviews and live comments. Experience PowerDVD – the best Blu-ray playback and DVD player software available today.
CyberLink’s most advanced movie and media player to date, PowerDVD 10 delivers 3D and HD movies on the PC. PowerDVD 10 is a unique universal player that offers the best playback quality available. Whether it is 3D movie content, captured home videos, or your digital music files, PowerDVD 10 lets you access them all from the same convenient player software, enhancing your experience in all kinds of new ways.

regrun reanimator

RegRun Reanimator – software for removing Trojans / Adware / Spyware and rootkits. Compatible with all known anti-virus applications. Has a nice interface, easy to use, it is possible to restore mistakenly deleted files. There are some useful features as a resident module for the protection of the registry, task manager, editor of the configuration files.
What’s New in This Release:
· Added RegRun Warrior.
· Warrior allows you to auto scan your computer from special CD with using installed RegRun Suite. It’s required to purchased CD with RegRun Warrior.

winutilities pro 9.5

• Recovers deleted files on NTFS and FAT volumes
• Cleans disks from information that clogs your system and reduces the performance of your computer
• Scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the Windows Registry
• Helps you to easily manage program execution at windows startup
• Erases all traces of activity on your computer, save spaces and protect your privacy
• Splits any type of file into smaller pieces and rejoin them to the original file
• Erases files and make sure that no data thief can get his hands on your sensitive data
• Protects any Windows executable file with a secure password
• Optimizes the Memory Management of Windows
• Helps you to free disk space by finding and removing duplicate files from your system 
read more

cleaner 2.30 build 1130 multilanguage+portable

CCleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused files from your system – allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. But the best part is that it’s fast (normally taking less than a second to run) and contains NO Spyware or Adware!
Internet Explorer
Temporary files, URL history, cookies, Autocomplete form history, index.dat.
Temporary files, URL history, cookies, download more

rtisteer xp/ vista/ win 7

With Artisteer YOU immediately become a Web design expert, editing and slicing graphics, coding XHTML and CSS, and creating Web design templates and Joomla, Drupal and WordPress  themes – all in minutes, without Photoshop or Dreamweaver, and no technical skills.
Supported Languages: English, German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish, Japanese, Arabic, Chinese, Polish and Russian
Artisteer – the first and unique product of automation a web of design which instantly creates a fantastic kind, unique templates for СMS Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, themes for your blog or a HTML-page.
* Design awesome WordPress Blogs, professional Joomla! and Drupal templates, and cool Website designs in more

Deliver the richest, most involving communications PDF at any time and anywhere
Adobe ® Acrobat ® 9 Pro Extended software now includes Adobe Presenter, Adobe LiveCycle ® Designer ES, and Adobe 3D Reviewer software.
Ideal for business and technical specialists.
* Assemble a wide range of content in a PDF Portfolio
* Protect your documents
* Easily create and manage electronic forms
* Manage and track electronic document reviewsread more

download accelerator plus

Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) is the worlds most popular download manager with over 175 million users worldwide. DAP accelerates your download speed so you can get all your favorite files, applications, and videos as fast as possible. Additionally, DAP features powerful privacy, security, and file management tools letting you download with confidence and flexibility.
read more

pointstone system cleaner v5 8 6 280 winall

System Cleaner® takes care of all the common PC headaches that slow your system down and puts your data at risk from disk failure. It also takes care of many of the of the PC problems that other so-called tune-up programs ignore. System Cleaner® also includes a comprehensive “secrets eraser” that scrubs all of your computer and internet activity files and removes every last trace of where you have been and what you did while you were more

getflv pro

Title: GetFLV 8.6 Pro
Category: Multimedia
Developer: Home Page
Year: 2009
Size: 8.13 MB
About the program: GetFLV Pro – is a collection of 6 modules, which allows prizvodit full range of operations. Flv files. GetFLV Pro allows you to download, manage, convert to different formats and from different formats, extract audio, restore and play FLV video.

tuneup utilities 2010 v9.0.2000.16 + serial

tune_up_utilities_2010-150x150TuneUp Utilities 2010 merupakan software yang dapat membuat sistem operasi Windows Anda lebih cepat, lebih nyaman dan lebih aman hanya dengan hanya beberapa kali klik mouse. Dan semua operasi yang dilakukan pada sistem operasi yang sepenuhnya aman, karena semua perubahan yang dipantau oleh TuneUp Rescue Center dan dapat dibatalkan kapan saja. Semua TuneUp Utilitas modul dapat diakses melalui interface umum yang dibagi menjadi enam more

Friday, May 28, 2010

tutorial menggabungkan file menggunakan hj split

HJSplit adalah sebuah program untuk memecah suatu file yang berukuran besar menjadi bagian-bagian kecil dalam waktu yang jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan melakukannya dengan Split Rar. Dimana HJSplit ini jg bisa digunakan untuk mengembalikannya seperti semula ^^
Cara penggunaan HJSplit :
Utk melakukan SPLIT (memisahkan file besar ke file2x kecil ^^ ) :
1. Double klik program HJSplit.exe (ga usah install)
2. Klik Split
3. Klik input file dan browse file yang hendak dipecah
4. Klik output file bila ingin meletakkan hasil pisahannya di folder lain (tidak wajib di klik)
5. Tentukan Split file size ^^
6. Tekan start :D
7. setelah split complete :D close deh :D gampang kan?
Utk melakukan JOIN (menggabungkan file hasil dari pecahan HJ Split) :
1. Double klik program HJSplit.exe (ga usah install)
2. Klik Join
3. Klik input file dan browse file yang hendak digabung (
cukup file yg berekstensi .001 dan sisanya akan langsung diekstrak otomatis , tapi yakinkan semua file .001 sampai .00X berada pada folder yang sama)
4. Klik output file bila ingin meletakkan hasil gabungannya di folder lain (tidak wajib di klik)
5. Tekan start
6. setelah join complete, close deh, gampang kan?
biasanya uploader hanya me rename file hasil HJ split menjadi .rar. Misalnya SAW-6.avi.001.rar, jadi setelah kamu download file tersebut… cukup rename menjadi SAW-6.avi.001 dan cuekin aja klo ada warning file akan damage, kemudian gabung dg HJ Split.
Contoh nama file HJSplit
Ingin memecah SAW-6.avi menjadi 3 bagian. sehingga file yang terbentuk adalah
atau secara global
jadi kalau kalian mau join, rename namanya seperti di contoh.
Sekian tutorialnya, semoga berguna…

melacak no handphone pacar

Untuk melacak/mencari kerabat (suami,istri, anak, teman, pacar, selingkuhan, TTM dll ) dapat dilakukan melalui satellite dengan syarat ada No HP-nya caranya sbb :
1. Browsing ke
2. Masukkan nama negara
3. masukkan no HP ( mis No. 0816 12234556 masukkan 8161 2234556 )
4. Tunggu sekitar 1 menit, satellite akan melacak dimana posisi pemegang HP
5. Akan diketahui kondisi orang yang kita cari
Selamat men-tracking :D
Software full version,update daily..!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

sis to sisx and jar con

Now its possible to convert….
sis to sisx ( s60 3rd edition phones apps )
sis to jar ( Java , Midp , v1.0 , Midp 2.0 apps)
sis to jad
sisx to sis
sisx to jar
jar to sis ( s60 first and second edition phones apps )
Download: 1.78MB



kaspersky mobile security 8 license until 2048

Kaspersky is famous for their Antivirus and Internet security products .Kaspersky mobile security 8 is built on same expertise and in-depth knowledge of Symbian -Windows mobile platform and by tracking evolving threats 
Kaspersky mobile security 8 is one the first mobile security software to offer complete protection for a mobile device from theft and from internet threats
Features of Kaspersky mobile security 8 .
Anti-theft : As I said earlier , Anti-theft in Kaspersky mobile security is more feature rich than any other mobile security suites . You don’t need to buy a separate mobile software to safe your mobile phone from theft .
SMS block : User can send a pre-set SMS message to a lost smartphone , which blocks access to the smartphone until the pre-set password is entered.
SMS-clean: Original owner can delete the files and folders in both phone and memory card .
SIM block : SIM block in Kaspersky mobile security 8 will send the phone number of the new owner , when a new SIM is inserted in the stolen phone .
But these security settings will not work if the phone is flashed/formatted with a new firmware .
Mobile Antivirus : Kaspersky Mobile security 8 contains Kaspersky mobile antivirus ,one of the best antivirus protection currently available for mobile phones .
Mobile antivirus scans SMS,MMS,Bluetooth files and emails and blocks threats in real-time . There are options for manual or scheduled scans . Update feature in Kaspersky mobile security 8 lets you to keep secured from unknown and newly evolving mobile viruses .
Firewall protection : Kaspersky Mobile security 8 comes with an advanced firewall that blocks/scans incoming and outgoing network traffic and gives suitable suggestions based on settings .
Blocks mobile spam SMS ,MMS : Users of Kaspersky mobile security 8 can block incoming SMS ,MMS,and email messages from blocked list of phone numbers /characters.
Kaspersky Mobile Security

racing 3d (java)

11 java games for different mobile phone models
Screen Resolution: 128×128 & 128×160 & 176×208 & 176×220 & 208×208 & 240×320
3D 4×4 Ultimate Power
3D Andretti Racing
3D Autobahn Raser World Challenge
3D Autocomb
3D Balloon Race
3D Bigfoot Racing
3D Buddy Racing
3D Moto Racing
3D Motocross
3D Pedrosa GP
3D Rally Evolution

trik internet gratis telkomsel

Setelah sekian lama trik gratis internet pakai hp susah ditembus,tidak seperti di PC.Akhirnya ada juga cara untuk menikmati internet gratis pakai hp  dari opsel satu ini.
Untuk masalah speed,emang tidak diragukan lagi untuk opsel satu ini,apalagi kalau di daerah anda sudah tersedia jaringan HSDPA,wah dijamin pasti wuzz dech speednya.
Untuk menikmati internet gratis kali ini,dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi browser java,yaitu operamini dan UCweb.
Caranya,tinggal anda download dan instal applikasinya.
Setinggan di hp pakai setingan standard gprs telkomsel.
Buka,dan silakan menikmati.
NB: – Untuk gratisan ini,kita akan tetap kepalak 1-10 rupiah,tiap kali konek (pengalaman saya)
Tapi anggaplah gratis kalau hanya kepalak segitu..xexexe.
Mungkin untuk daerah tertentu akan didapat  hasil yang berbeda.
Met Oprekz Bro…
Download opmin Tsel
Download Ucweb Tsel

new – trik gratis gprs xl di hp

Dibawah ini saya sedikit bergagi informasi tentang trik gprs memakai kartu XL di HP.
Seting OpMin Host
Set OpMod 3.xx
-server atas standart aja
-http di klik
-server bawah
-port 80
Lalu save
Set all ucweb
-host kosong
Kecuali ucweb 5.1 isi host/http proxy server dng panbuk,, dsb.

opera mobile 10 beta

opera-mobileSetelah sebelumnya opera telah merilis opera mobile 9.7 khusus untuk pengguna windows mobile phones.kini para pengguna smartphones bisa bersenang hati,karena opera merilis opera mobile 10 beta terutama untuk pengguna smartphones,khususnya lagi buat nokia symbian OS 9.3/s60v3 or higher.So buat yang punya nokia s60v2 silakan gigit jari aja deh.
Setelah tadi saya coba,ternyata opera mobile 10 ini gak beda jauh sama opera mini 5 versi java.but secara keseluruhan saya acungi jempol deh buat opera mobile 10 beta ini *test on nokia E75.
Desain baru yang dilengkapi dengan serangkaian fitur sepertispeed dial, bookmark dan tabbed browsing, yang membuat pengguna browser Opera di Nokia dapat menikmati menjelajah seperti desktop Opera, termasuk juga di dalamnya password manager
Opera Mobile 10 juga mengadopsi Opera Turbo, yang merupakan teknologi besutan Opera yang dapay mengkompresi bandwith, yang membuat loading halaman situs dari perangkat mobile lebih cepat dan lebih mura
Memang masih ada beberapa kekurangan opera mobile 10 beta ini,berdasarkan review beberapa teman,ternyata memakan memoti RAM yang sangat besar untuk beberapa tipe hp nokia seperti nokia E50,6120c,5700 nokia 5800 sampai keluar pesan “memory full, close some application….” Tapi di nokia keluaran terbaru/RAM besar seperti yang saya pakai (nokia E75) kendala seperti itu tidak terjadi,malah saya bisa buka beberapa applikasi sekaligus,seperti radio,web browser,xplore,galeri secara bersamaan.
Kekurangan yang kedua,dibeberapa tipe hp seperti nokia 6120c,E51 hurufnya berubah kotak-kotak. Ya kita hanya bisa berharap semoga pihak opera segera memperbaiki bug ini,dan kita pun harus memaklumi karena applikasi ini masih versi beta jadi masih ada kekurangan disana-sini.
Dan ini beberapa compatible device list nya :
nokia E series E51,52,55,63,66,71,75
nokia N series N78,79,81,82,85,86,95 8G,96,97
Nokia 5320,5630,5800,6220c,6720c
Samsung i7110,i550,Omnia HD,Innov8
Sony Ericcson satio

for smarter browsing

Opera Mobile 10 beta

Fulfilling our vision of providing the best Internet experience on any device, Opera Mobile gives you a fast and full Web experience for Nokia smartphones. And, it is free.

New in Opera Mobile 10

Intuitive interface

Opera Mobile 10 beta boasts a powerful new user interface. Merging the best from our desktop browser with new innovations for mobile phones, Opera Mobile is advanced and highly intuitive to use.

Faster browsing

Opera Mobile 10 beta is faster at rendering pages, zooming, panning and almost everything else you do with a browser. Page downloading is now 50% faster than the previous version of Opera for Symbian/S60 phones.

Speed Dial

Get to your favorite Web page with just one click, with a set of visual bookmarks that appear when you open a new tab. To add a new page, simply click on an empty Speed Dial slot.


With tabbed browsing, you no longer need to interrupt one session to start another. Check your Web mail in one window, Facebook in another, Twitter in a third and all that while checking the latest sports results.
Download opera mobile 10 s60v3.sis 3.9Mb

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